Organizing files for smoother handoffs
Unless you're a sole freelancer who never collaborates, what we do is a team sport. In larger or more fast-paced orgs, you'll at some point hand off your designs to someone else. I'm very cognizant of keeping my work clean and clear so anyone coming in to work on it later won't have an uphill battle. Here's what I practice in my work to ensure anyone who comes into a project can get up to speed quickly.
Webflow Review
I've recently moved my site from a static site generator to Webflow's CMS. While it's fast and easy to use, I had a few issues along the way, so I outlined my pros and cons of using Webflow.
Accessibility for Designers
Digital accessibility has gone from being a niche specialty to a core requirement for interactive designers. So while we can all agree that’s a great thing for users, it can be overwhelming if you’re unfamiliar with the territory.
Here we'll cover the basic "low hanging fruit" of accessible design.
Lessons in International Typography
With clients in Hong Kong, Tokyo, and Seoul, I’ve had to learn a fair amount about working with their respective character sets, and the gaps in most typefaces. Here’s a rundown on what I’ve learned so far.
Why I Use Briefbox
Why am I using a practice brief service if I'm a senior designer who's been doing this professional for nearly 15 years? For good reason, actually. It's pretty fun to get out of my usual niche, and it allows me to help new designers level up.
The Myth of Pixel Perfection
Static comps aren’t a realistic expression of a website. Instead, our deliverables have changed from static pages to dynamic systems.
Intro to Web Fonts
This is a quick primer on web typography, specifically for graphic designers moving into web design. While web fonts have come a long way in the past few years, there are still a few ground rules to follow.
A Brief Introduction to Email Design
Almost no one gets out of school and decides they're going into email design. If you've suddenly found yourself volunteered for email duty, here's a handful of beginner tips for smoothing out some of the bumps.

About me
I’m based in Las Vegas, NV, where I work on websites and apps with a focus on UI design and accessibility.